
Course Description

For consistent excellence in your final beer, you need to successfully manage yeast and microorganisms during fermentation. In this course, you will consider the role of yeast in your beer recipe and how to manage fermentation to produce your desired flavor profile. You'll identify the conditions needed to manage yeast for healthy production and practice evaluating yeast health ahead of fermentation. Finally, you will fine-tune yeast pitching rates and develop the skills to troubleshoot yeast-related issues revealed during fermentation. With this experience, you'll be better positioned to manage the health and vitality of your yeast and to achieve your final beer flavor goals.

Faculty Author

Kaylyn Kirkpatrick

Benefits to the Learner

  • Choose the appropriate yeast for your recipe and desired outcome
  • Evaluate yeast health before fermentation
  • Handle yeast correctly to achieve flavor goals

Target Audience

  • Homebrewers and hobbyists
  • Brewery startups
  • Equipment vendors
  • Malt suppliers
  • Homebrew retailers
  • Brewery apprentices and career starters
  • Brewery employees looking to expand their knowledge

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
2 week
Oct 16, 2024 to Oct 29, 2024
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $999.00
Section Notes


  • Due to the experiential nature of this program, you will need to purchase or find a small amount of beer ingredients and materials before the start of your course. Below please find the list of materials and suggested retailers. We encourage you to order, purchase, or collect supplies now.
  • Go to www.northernbrewer.com, www.midwestsupplies.com, www.morebeer.com, www.amazon.com, or your local beer supply store to purchase your beer ingredients before the start of your course.
    • Dried ale yeast (two small packets)
    • Yeast nutrient with diammonium phosphate
    • Hydrometer with testing cylinder 
  • Go to amazon.com or a local pharmacy or grocery store to find the following supplies:
    • Six clean plastic bottles to hold at least 16 oz. or 1L
    • White table sugar, eight tablespoons separated
    • Three coffee filters
    • Six rubber bands
    • Kitchen funnelMeasuring cups and spoons
    • Three balloons
    • Quarter-cup of vodka (or equivalent spirit with 40% alcohol by volume)
    • One-quart kitchen pot and surface to heat water on or stove
    • Measuring cups and spoons


2 week
Nov 13, 2024 to Nov 26, 2024
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $999.00
Section Notes


  • Due to the experiential nature of this program, you will need to purchase or find a small amount of beer ingredients and materials before the start of your course. Below please find the list of materials and suggested retailers. We encourage you to order, purchase, or collect supplies now.
  • Go to www.northernbrewer.com, www.midwestsupplies.com, www.morebeer.com, www.amazon.com, or your local beer supply store to purchase your beer ingredients before the start of your course.
    • Dried ale yeast (two small packets)
    • Yeast nutrient with diammonium phosphate
    • Hydrometer with testing cylinder 
  • Go to amazon.com or a local pharmacy or grocery store to find the following supplies:
    • Six clean plastic bottles to hold at least 16 oz. or 1L
    • White table sugar, eight tablespoons separated
    • Three coffee filters
    • Six rubber bands
    • Kitchen funnelMeasuring cups and spoons
    • Three balloons
    • Quarter-cup of vodka (or equivalent spirit with 40% alcohol by volume)
    • One-quart kitchen pot and surface to heat water on or stove
    • Measuring cups and spoons


2 week
Dec 11, 2024 to Dec 24, 2024
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $999.00
Section Notes


  • Due to the experiential nature of this program, you will need to purchase or find a small amount of beer ingredients and materials before the start of your course. Below please find the list of materials and suggested retailers. We encourage you to order, purchase, or collect supplies now.
  • Go to www.northernbrewer.com, www.midwestsupplies.com, www.morebeer.com, www.amazon.com, or your local beer supply store to purchase your beer ingredients before the start of your course.
    • Dried ale yeast (two small packets)
    • Yeast nutrient with diammonium phosphate
    • Hydrometer with testing cylinder 
  • Go to amazon.com or a local pharmacy or grocery store to find the following supplies:
    • Six clean plastic bottles to hold at least 16 oz. or 1L
    • White table sugar, eight tablespoons separated
    • Three coffee filters
    • Six rubber bands
    • Kitchen funnelMeasuring cups and spoons
    • Three balloons
    • Quarter-cup of vodka (or equivalent spirit with 40% alcohol by volume)
    • One-quart kitchen pot and surface to heat water on or stove
    • Measuring cups and spoons


2 week
Jan 08, 2025 to Jan 21, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $999.00
Section Notes


  • Due to the experiential nature of this program, you will need to purchase or find a small amount of beer ingredients and materials before the start of your course. Below please find the list of materials and suggested retailers. We encourage you to order, purchase, or collect supplies now.
  • Go to www.northernbrewer.com, www.midwestsupplies.com, www.morebeer.com, www.amazon.com, or your local beer supply store to purchase your beer ingredients before the start of your course.
    • Dried ale yeast (two small packets)
    • Yeast nutrient with diammonium phosphate
    • Hydrometer with testing cylinder 
  • Go to amazon.com or a local pharmacy or grocery store to find the following supplies:
    • Six clean plastic bottles to hold at least 16 oz. or 1L
    • White table sugar, eight tablespoons separated
    • Three coffee filters
    • Six rubber bands
    • Kitchen funnelMeasuring cups and spoons
    • Three balloons
    • Quarter-cup of vodka (or equivalent spirit with 40% alcohol by volume)
    • One-quart kitchen pot and surface to heat water on or stove
    • Measuring cups and spoons


2 week
Feb 05, 2025 to Feb 18, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $999.00
Section Notes


  • Due to the experiential nature of this program, you will need to purchase or find a small amount of beer ingredients and materials before the start of your course. Below please find the list of materials and suggested retailers. We encourage you to order, purchase, or collect supplies now.
  • Go to www.northernbrewer.com, www.midwestsupplies.com, www.morebeer.com, www.amazon.com, or your local beer supply store to purchase your beer ingredients before the start of your course.
    • Dried ale yeast (two small packets)
    • Yeast nutrient with diammonium phosphate
    • Hydrometer with testing cylinder 
  • Go to amazon.com or a local pharmacy or grocery store to find the following supplies:
    • Six clean plastic bottles to hold at least 16 oz. or 1L
    • White table sugar, eight tablespoons separated
    • Three coffee filters
    • Six rubber bands
    • Kitchen funnelMeasuring cups and spoons
    • Three balloons
    • Quarter-cup of vodka (or equivalent spirit with 40% alcohol by volume)
    • One-quart kitchen pot and surface to heat water on or stove
    • Measuring cups and spoons


2 week
Mar 05, 2025 to Mar 18, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $999.00
Section Notes


  • Due to the experiential nature of this program, you will need to purchase or find a small amount of beer ingredients and materials before the start of your course. Below please find the list of materials and suggested retailers. We encourage you to order, purchase, or collect supplies now.
  • Go to www.northernbrewer.com, www.midwestsupplies.com, www.morebeer.com, www.amazon.com, or your local beer supply store to purchase your beer ingredients before the start of your course.
    • Dried ale yeast (two small packets)
    • Yeast nutrient with diammonium phosphate
    • Hydrometer with testing cylinder 
  • Go to amazon.com or a local pharmacy or grocery store to find the following supplies:
    • Six clean plastic bottles to hold at least 16 oz. or 1L
    • White table sugar, eight tablespoons separated
    • Three coffee filters
    • Six rubber bands
    • Kitchen funnelMeasuring cups and spoons
    • Three balloons
    • Quarter-cup of vodka (or equivalent spirit with 40% alcohol by volume)
    • One-quart kitchen pot and surface to heat water on or stove
    • Measuring cups and spoons


2 week
Apr 02, 2025 to Apr 15, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $999.00
Section Notes


  • Due to the experiential nature of this program, you will need to purchase or find a small amount of beer ingredients and materials before the start of your course. Below please find the list of materials and suggested retailers. We encourage you to order, purchase, or collect supplies now.
  • Go to www.northernbrewer.com, www.midwestsupplies.com, www.morebeer.com, www.amazon.com, or your local beer supply store to purchase your beer ingredients before the start of your course.
    • Dried ale yeast (two small packets)
    • Yeast nutrient with diammonium phosphate
    • Hydrometer with testing cylinder 
  • Go to amazon.com or a local pharmacy or grocery store to find the following supplies:
    • Six clean plastic bottles to hold at least 16 oz. or 1L
    • White table sugar, eight tablespoons separated
    • Three coffee filters
    • Six rubber bands
    • Kitchen funnelMeasuring cups and spoons
    • Three balloons
    • Quarter-cup of vodka (or equivalent spirit with 40% alcohol by volume)
    • One-quart kitchen pot and surface to heat water on or stove
    • Measuring cups and spoons


2 week
Apr 30, 2025 to May 13, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $999.00
Section Notes


  • Due to the experiential nature of this program, you will need to purchase or find a small amount of beer ingredients and materials before the start of your course. Below please find the list of materials and suggested retailers. We encourage you to order, purchase, or collect supplies now.
  • Go to www.northernbrewer.com, www.midwestsupplies.com, www.morebeer.com, www.amazon.com, or your local beer supply store to purchase your beer ingredients before the start of your course.
    • Dried ale yeast (two small packets)
    • Yeast nutrient with diammonium phosphate
    • Hydrometer with testing cylinder 
  • Go to amazon.com or a local pharmacy or grocery store to find the following supplies:
    • Six clean plastic bottles to hold at least 16 oz. or 1L
    • White table sugar, eight tablespoons separated
    • Three coffee filters
    • Six rubber bands
    • Kitchen funnelMeasuring cups and spoons
    • Three balloons
    • Quarter-cup of vodka (or equivalent spirit with 40% alcohol by volume)
    • One-quart kitchen pot and surface to heat water on or stove
    • Measuring cups and spoons


2 week
May 28, 2025 to Jun 10, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $999.00
Section Notes


  • Due to the experiential nature of this program, you will need to purchase or find a small amount of beer ingredients and materials before the start of your course. Below please find the list of materials and suggested retailers. We encourage you to order, purchase, or collect supplies now.
  • Go to www.northernbrewer.com, www.midwestsupplies.com, www.morebeer.com, www.amazon.com, or your local beer supply store to purchase your beer ingredients before the start of your course.
    • Dried ale yeast (two small packets)
    • Yeast nutrient with diammonium phosphate
    • Hydrometer with testing cylinder 
  • Go to amazon.com or a local pharmacy or grocery store to find the following supplies:
    • Six clean plastic bottles to hold at least 16 oz. or 1L
    • White table sugar, eight tablespoons separated
    • Three coffee filters
    • Six rubber bands
    • Kitchen funnelMeasuring cups and spoons
    • Three balloons
    • Quarter-cup of vodka (or equivalent spirit with 40% alcohol by volume)
    • One-quart kitchen pot and surface to heat water on or stove
    • Measuring cups and spoons


2 week
Jun 25, 2025 to Jul 08, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $999.00
Section Notes


  • Due to the experiential nature of this program, you will need to purchase or find a small amount of beer ingredients and materials before the start of your course. Below please find the list of materials and suggested retailers. We encourage you to order, purchase, or collect supplies now.
  • Go to www.northernbrewer.com, www.midwestsupplies.com, www.morebeer.com, www.amazon.com, or your local beer supply store to purchase your beer ingredients before the start of your course.
    • Dried ale yeast (two small packets)
    • Yeast nutrient with diammonium phosphate
    • Hydrometer with testing cylinder 
  • Go to amazon.com or a local pharmacy or grocery store to find the following supplies:
    • Six clean plastic bottles to hold at least 16 oz. or 1L
    • White table sugar, eight tablespoons separated
    • Three coffee filters
    • Six rubber bands
    • Kitchen funnelMeasuring cups and spoons
    • Three balloons
    • Quarter-cup of vodka (or equivalent spirit with 40% alcohol by volume)
    • One-quart kitchen pot and surface to heat water on or stove
    • Measuring cups and spoons


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