
Course Description

In this course, you will practice techniques to elicit information from clients, uncover their deeper needs and in turn help them set better goals. You will conduct a session with a colleague, or friend to practice your client-directed counseling skills in a real-life setting, gather feedback from your partner, and then reflect on what you did well and what you would change. You will describe how the use (or lack) of continuing responses in a conversation you’ve had in the past has affected trust within that conversation, and you will make a plan to better integrate continuing responses into future conversations. You will observe and evaluate another counselor’s use of client-centered techniques to elicit information. While identifying and overcoming challenges in implementing client-centered counseling techniques, you will create an action plan to help clients set goals that align with their true needs. At the end of this course, you will be poised to apply new techniques to better identify the client’s “need behind the need.”

You are required to have completed the following course or have equivalent experience before taking this course:

  • Understanding the Person

Faculty Author

Beth McKinney

Benefits to the Learner

  • Use continuing responses to build counselor-client trust
  • Evaluate the use of client-centered techniques to elicit information
  • Identify and overcome challenges in applying client-centered counseling techniques
  • Create an action plan for helping clients set goals that align with their deeper needs

Target Audience

  • Healthcare professionals
  • Medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, and aides
  • Physical therapists
  • Chiropractors
  • Wellness coaches
  • Personal trainers
  • Naturopaths
  • Health educators and coaches
  • Nutritionists
  • Corporate wellness and HR professionals

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
2 week
Oct 09, 2024 to Oct 22, 2024
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $1,199.00
Section Notes


  • This course integrates peer to peer interaction and “client” interviews into the learning experience. Please be prepared to coordinate with classmates and set up interviews with a colleague, or friend to practice your skills in a real-life setting.

  • We strongly recommend you take and complete the courses in this certificate program in sequential order.
2 week
Dec 04, 2024 to Dec 17, 2024
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $1,199.00
Section Notes


  • This course integrates peer to peer interaction and “client” interviews into the learning experience. Please be prepared to coordinate with classmates and set up interviews with a colleague, or friend to practice your skills in a real-life setting.

  • We strongly recommend you take and complete the courses in this certificate program in sequential order.
2 week
Jan 29, 2025 to Feb 11, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $1,199.00
Section Notes


  • This course integrates peer to peer interaction and “client” interviews into the learning experience. Please be prepared to coordinate with classmates and set up interviews with a colleague, or friend to practice your skills in a real-life setting.

  • We strongly recommend you take and complete the courses in this certificate program in sequential order.
2 week
Mar 26, 2025 to Apr 08, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $1,199.00
Section Notes


  • This course integrates peer to peer interaction and “client” interviews into the learning experience. Please be prepared to coordinate with classmates and set up interviews with a colleague, or friend to practice your skills in a real-life setting.

  • We strongly recommend you take and complete the courses in this certificate program in sequential order.
2 week
May 21, 2025 to Jun 03, 2025
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Standard Price $1,199.00
Section Notes


  • This course integrates peer to peer interaction and “client” interviews into the learning experience. Please be prepared to coordinate with classmates and set up interviews with a colleague, or friend to practice your skills in a real-life setting.

  • We strongly recommend you take and complete the courses in this certificate program in sequential order.
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