Program Streams

BRKS101 - Income Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility
BRKS102 - Impact of Racial-Ethnic Segregation on Education and Neighborhood Inequality
BRKS103 - Social and Economic Impact of the Early COVID-19 Pandemic
BRKS104 - Crime and Incarceration
BRKS105 - Big Data for Big Policy Problems
CAC101 - Constructing Expressions in Python
CAC102 - Writing Custom Python Functions, Classes, and Workflows
CAC103 - Developing Data Science Applications
CAC104 - Creating Data Arrays and Tables in Python
CAC105 - Organizing Data with Python
CAC106 - Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Python
CAC107 - Building Predictive Machine Learning Models
CAC111 - Querying Relational Databases
CAC112 - Working with Data Using SQL
CAC113 - Creating Data Visualizations with Tableau
CAC114 - Enhancing Data Visualizations with Tableau
CAC115 - Telling a Data-Driven Story with Tableau
CEEM551 - Communicating with Data
CEEM552 - Plotting Visualizations with Python
CEEM581 - Understanding Data Analytics
CEEM582 - Finding Patterns in Data Using Association Rules, PCA, and Factor Analysis
CEEM583 - Finding Patterns in Data Using Cluster and Hotspot Analysis
CEEM584 - Regression Analysis and Discrete Choice Models
CEEM585 - Supervised Learning Techniques
CEEM586 - Neural Networks and Machine Learning
CEEM587 - Making Data-Driven Recommendations Using Optimization
CEEM588 - Making Predictions Using Simulation
CIS445 - Exploring Data Sets With R
CIS446 - Summarizing and Visualizing Data
CIS447 - Measuring Relationships and Uncertainty
CIS448 - Data Cleaning With the Tidyverse
CIS449 - Classifying Data With Logistic Regression
CIS450 - Stakeholder Presentations
CIS591 - Individual Ethics
CIS592 - Ethics and the Data Lifecycle
CIS593 - Integrating Virtue Ethics Into Data Science Practice
CIS594 - Creating an Ethical Data Science Practice and Workplace
CIS601 - Nonlinear Regression Models
CIS602 - Modeling Interactions Between Predictors
CIS603 - Foundations of Predictive Modeling
CIS604 - Ensemble Methods
CORE521 - Presenting Quantitative Data
CORE522 - Descriptive Statistics for Business
CORE523 - Making Predictions Using Statistical Probability
CORE524 - Inferential Statistics
CORE525 - Multivariable Comparisons
CORE526 - Statistical Forecasting
CORE527 - Practical Applications of Statistics
DYS540XX - Business Analytics
DYS541 - Getting Started with Spreadsheet Modeling and Business Analytics
DYS542 - Harvesting Spreadsheet Data
DYS543 - Visualizing and Communicating Insights In Excel
DYS544 - Making Predictions and Forecasts with Data
DYS545 - Using Prescriptive Analytics in Excel
DYS546 - Creating and Sharing Interactive Data Models
DYSHS111 - Pre-College Analytics and Spreadsheet Modeling
ILR511 - Interpreting and Communicating Data
ILR512 - Using Statistical Tests to Make Decisions
ILR513 - Applying Statistical Tests
JCB531 - Process Performance
JCB532 - Queuing Analysis
JCB533 - Inventory Management Analysis
JCB534 - Decision Support Models for Operations
JCB551 - Forecasting Supply Chain Demand
JCB552 - Optimizing Inventory Management
JCB553 - Optimizing Production Capacity Allocation
JCB554 - Supply Chain Finance, Coordination, and Sustainability
JCB561 - Exploring Data
JCB562 - Integrating Data From Multiple Tables
JCB563 - Extracting Insights From Data
JCB564 - Fundamentals of Database Design
JCB565 - Introduction to Scalability and Automation
PAN111 - eCornell Test Course 1
SHA571 - Understanding and Visualizing Data
SHA572 - Implementing Scientific Decision Making
SHA573 - Using Predictive Data Analysis
SHA574 - Modeling Uncertainty and Risk
SHA575 - Optimization and Modeling Simultaneous Decisions
SHA576 - Predictive Analytics in R
SHA577 - Clustering, Classification, and Machine Learning in R
SHA578 - Prescriptive Analytics in R
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